Friday, September 5, 2008

What I Expect From Paideia

The reason I joined Paideia was becasue of the study abroad program. Well for those of you that don't know I'm from Georgetown and my mom works here at Southwestern. She has worked with the Paideia Program since I can rememeber. When I came to Southwestern I really wanted to study abroad. I talked to my mom about it and she said most students want to study abroad but some don't get around to it and suggested I become apart of Paideia so I would study abroad for sure. Since my major is Psychology I figured this section would be to my best interest. While in Paideia my goal is to have fun while learning. I hope the hand on experience and discussions will inform me of current events and teach me how to share my opinion in a more effective manner. At this moment, I would love to study abroad in Spain! I have not thought of any other possibilites. For a civic engagement I think it would be a good idea to somehow get involved with the elementary schools in the community. I'm coming into Paideia with a very open mind and don't have any worries or concerns about the program. I think the greatest challenge Paideia will give to me is making me keep up with current events. I am not usually one to read the newspaper or Newsweek and have a detailed opinion about what's going on in the world, so I think that will be my greatest challenge.

Monday, September 1, 2008